A documentary shedding some light on the life of fortune hunters in war-torn Kachin in Myanmar Burma has premiered in Berlin. "Jade City" is the work of Taiwan-based director Midi-Z, who was born in Myanmar. Although framed by the hopes and problems of jade miners, the film is centrally a family story, a search for a long-lost brother.
I didn't see a reference to the language of the film, a trailer
located here (link) seems to be silent. There is also a post on YouTube claiming to be the entire film but you are directed from there to another site, I didn't follow.
Some criticism focuses on length and low-key approach; without seeing the film I offer no criticism here. The film industry magazine Variety provides a review of the film l
ocated here (link).
UPDATE: Found another review which mentions subtitles. And gives further insight into the quality of the film, comparing it to home movies but at the same time praising the insights into the shadowy world of freelance jade hunting.
The review is found here.