It is doubtful most westerners know what is meant in references to Xinjiang jade so, if it were published in English, this could be a helpful book for them. As it stands there is no mention of an English edition so such readers will have to be content with this feature story, an assurance of the special nature of Xinjiang jade.
The book is titled "A History of Xinjiang Hotan Jade Mining," by Yu Ming, head of the Hotan Jade Trading Association of Xinjiang.
One observation from the article: "...prices for the precious stone have gone through the roof in recent years." Yu's research was mainly historical but he also adventured to remote sites: "We had to wade through rivers, climb cliffs and sleep in the open," says Yu.
Xinjiang an autonomous territory in northwest China, is a vast region of deserts and mountains. It is home of many jade merchants.